Features of Commodities
Initial product coverage is focused on US energy products:
Oil and Distillate Products
Natural Gas
Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs)
Futures Look-alikes
All trade type support custom variable volumes and swap products support variable prices (effectively strips).
DerivativeEDGE Commodities offers simplified deal entry, reflecting the high degree of standardization in commodity trades. While the platform can support a high degree of customization, the user only needs to enter the minimum economics of the trade.
Platform users have access to stochastic exposure calculations under multiple confidence intervals providing insights into potential exposures over the life of the trade:
The most robust platform to manage your derivative trading portfolio. Built in the cloud and packed with powerful features.
A highly-customizable workflow engine to fit your needs
Built-in CRM functionality to help you manage your derivative pipeline
No added cost to access real-time market data and analytics to value trades, estimate potential future exposures and calculate CVA
Real-time connectivity into a Swap Data Repository (SDR) for reporting of real time (RT), primary economic terms (PET), and continuation data required under Dodd-Frank
Decimate time spent on monthly reporting and reconciliation processes
All the critical information about your portfolio is at your fingertips. Stay in control and fully-informed at every step of the trade life cycle.
Quickly generate client presentations and term sheets
View actual and projected revenue in real time
Foreign Currency Account StatementsSettlement and Reset notices
Mark-to-Market statements
Drill-down to every cashflow, payment, and reset
Verify option expiry dates in real time
Produce regular and ad-hoc reports to support your monthly accounting and daily processing activities
Independent third party portfolio valuation reports
Track and fulfill Dodd-Frank pre-trade compliance requirements with ease, and use a workflow engine tailored to your own firm’s approved procedures
Manage trade and counterparty documents in one convenient location
Easily generate legal documentation such as ISDA documents and bilateral terms of business or swap customer agreements with your end users
Perform pre-trade verification based on your customized rules-based workflow
Auditable and robust system of record with comprehensive security and full, out of region disaster recovery capabilities
We offer free consultations and platform demos.