
Mastering Market Shifts: Effective Interest Rate Hedging 

Portrait of Ciccy Yang
Ciccy Yang
Managing Director of Risk Solutions
Mastering Market Shifts

In the face of global interest rate volatility and an increasingly complex financial landscape, fund managers and financial sponsors are adopting more sophisticated hedging strategies to protect their investments and navigate uncertain markets. The recent Fund Finance Symposium held in Miami shed light on these evolving practices, offering insights into how industry leaders are responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by the current economic environment.

Interest rate volatility has been a significant concern for market participants over the past year, prompting a heightened focus on interest rate hedging particularly at the portfolio company level. With the yield curve remaining inverted, there has been a notable shift towards portfolio optimization tools like interest rate swaps, which currently serve to lower interest expense. Despite this trend, caps and collars continue to be utilized effectively, as they offer advantages should rates fall. Parallel to this, the rapid growth in direct lending has led to increased hedging of these loans, with more banks now offering orphan swap capabilities, reflecting the industry’s adaptability to changing market conditions.

A central theme of the symposium was the variety of approaches sponsors take towards hedging, ranging from highly centralized strategies to more decentralized ones. Some sponsors manage all fund level and asset level hedging through a derivatives-focused team, while others may delegate fund level FX management to operations and Treasury functions, with asset level hedging handled by deal teams on a case-by-case basis. However, a trend towards centralization has emerged, driven by the need for more effective management of FX and interest rate risk across funds and portfolio companies. This centralized approach not only facilitates better monitoring and management of risks but also enhances pricing negotiations and relationship dynamics with banks, as it allows sponsors to take a broader view when allocating trades and derivative wallets.

The discussions also highlighted the importance of adapting to the macroeconomic environment, including the real-time analytics and strategies employed to manage FX volatility and the impact of compliance with regulatory standards, such as Basel III. These changes underscore the need for sponsors to be proactive and thoughtful in their hedging strategies and derivative bank group, considering risks that may not have been previously identified and employing multi-product solutions to address these challenges.

Moreover, the symposium emphasized the benefits of a centralized hedging approach, which can lead to more effective and consistent risk management practices. This approach allows for better decision-making, trade execution, and evaluation, leading to more favorable outcomes for funds and their investors. It also fosters a more intimate involvement of sophisticated hedging desks in decision-making processes, enhancing the overall strategic approach to risk management.

Portrait of Ciccy Yang
Ciccy Yang

Ciccy Yang serves as Managing Director of Risk Solutions at Derivative Path. She and the Risk Solutions group are dedicated to delivering technology-led market risk strategies for our clients. With a distinguished background that includes roles at Hudson Advisors and Barclays, coupled with her education as a Princeton alum, Ciccy brings more than a decade of expertise in finance and risk management to Derivative Path. Her insights are crucial for those navigating the complexities of interest rate volatility and hedging strategies in today’s dynamic markets. Connect for advanced perspectives on integrating technology in risk management.



The Term “Derivative Path” refers to affiliates, Derivative Path, Inc. and Derivative Path Hedging Solutions, Inc. Derivative Path, Inc. is headquartered in the State of California. Hedging advisory and execution services are provided through Derivative Path Hedging Solutions, Inc. (DPHS). DPHS is a Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) registered Introducing Broker (IB) and Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and member of the National Futures Association (NFA). This communication is for informational purposes only, is not an offer, solicitation, recommendation, or commitment for any transaction or to buy or sell any security or other financial product, and is not intended as investment advice or as a confirmation of any transaction. This communication is intended as an information resource only; Derivative Path has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of this communication. Any information contained herein is not warranted as to completeness or accuracy, and Derivative Path accepts no liability for its use or to update or keep any such information current. The content of this communication is subject to change at any time without notice. For additional information, you can read more here.

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